That’s good! Tonight I will sleep for seven hours. I will not fall asleep in class tomorrow. I will laugh at the science teacher’s jokes too!

Sounds good! See you tomorrow.


Hi, I’m Kenji! Welcome to the campus tour. Right now, let’s go to the cafeteria and I will tell you all about it. The menu is on the front door of the cafeteria. You can look at lunch choices and then walk in.

Here are the cookies. The soft cookies are my favorite. I eat a soft cookie every day.

You pay for your food here. The cost of food is cheap here. The cafeteria food cost is low, but food cost at restaurants can be really high. So cafeteria food can save you money. Also, the food here is really good.

Here are the trays and over here are the forks, spoons, and knives.

The cafeteria serves vegetables and fruit every day. It also has hot soup every day. I like vegetables, so I eat vegetables every day.

The cafeteria has two main choices for lunch each day. They are different each day. One choice is hot. One choice is cold. Today’s hot choice is meat and rice. Today’s cold choice is a sandwich. The sandwich comes on tasty bread.


Annette is from Australia. She took a trip to India to give service and to learn about people’s lives there. After she came home, she wrote down some of her thoughts about her trip in a journal. You will read one excerpt from one of Annette’s journal entries. Reflections from India



During my volunteer trip, my team and I met a woman named Gopi Bi.

As we approached Gopi Bi's home, I saw an older-looking woman in the front. “Who is this?” I thought to myself. “Surely it can’t be Gopi Bi. Perhaps her mother? An older sister?” But no - this was Gopi Bi herself. Only 45 years old, the harshness of her life had aged her significantly. We came to talk with her and accompany her as she went about her daily chores.

Her first chore was to fetch water. Five times a day she does this. And although the trip wasn't too far that day, she explained that when the community well dries up in the summer, she walks 5 km one way for this water. That's 50 km of walking. Per day. For water.

She also prepared food for her family. I helped her prepare the food - ciabatta bread. This is bread made from nothing more than flour and water. She said that on better days, they also have potatoes and naan bread. She and her family have two meals per day.

Later we went outside to do some repairs of her home. The walls are made from dirt, sticks, and cow dung. There are many leaks when it rains. After she had taught us to do it, we helped her patch up a few cracks. When she can, Gopi Bi also takes on additional work (beyond the running of her own household). She is paid less than 2.30 U.S. dollars per day for this extra work.

Gopi Bi showed incredible resilience. She openly discussed with us her life's high points and the challenging times. Although she is completely illiterate, she recognizes the importance of education. She does all she can to keep her youngest daughter in school. She cherishes the few moments when she can talk with the other women in her village. She also greatly enjoys festival days, which is when she can travel with her husband to see her family of origin.

My experience with Gopi Bi was just one day. But I hope I never forget her.


Music Survey

  1. Do you listen to music every day?
  2. What kind of music do you listen to?
  3. Who are your favorite singers or bands?
  4. Can music change the way you feel?
  5. Which types of music can change the way you feel?
  6. Why does this music change the way you feel? And how?
  7. Can listening to music make you smarter?
  8. How do you choose which music to listen to?
  9. What kind of music causes you to feel negative?
  10. What kind of music makes you feel positive?
  11. Is learning how to play a musical instrument important?
  12. Do you think music helps you in your life?

No Bake Chocolate Cookies



Put the sugar, butter, milk and cocoa powder in a large pot. Put the pot on the stove. Turn the heat on. It should be medium- high heat. Heat the pot with the ingredients for 6-9 minutes until they begin to boil. Stir the ingredients while they are boiling. Boil for 4 minutes. Take the pot off of the stove. Add the oatmeal to the other ingredients. Stir everything together. Put small balls of the mixture on a big plate. Use a small spoon for this. Wait for 45 minutes. After 45 minutes, the cookies will be ready to eat. Enjoy! And do not forget to share with your friends and family.


FREE Etiquette Night

When: Wednesday, March 10 from 7-9 p.m.

Where: SWCC Bassett Student Center

Are you hoping to impress a special someone on a nice date? Do you have an important dinner appointment for work? Maybe you just want to eat more politely. Whatever your reasons, Southwest Community College’s Annual Etiquette Night is an event you can’t miss!

This year, we have three workshops for you to choose from. The workshops are held at the same time. You will need to choose only one workshop when you register.

Basic American Table Manners Do you always feel awkward at fancy restaurants? Where do you put your napkin when you eat? How do you use a knife and fork properly? This workshop explains the basic mysteries of American-style table etiquette.

Business Dinner Etiquette Using a knife and fork is not the only problem to solve. It’s important to know how to talk about business topics at the table. The presenter will also discuss how to treat important business guests. International

Table Manners If you travel for business or pleasure then there are some important rules to know. The presenter will discuss typical etiquette rules from Europe, Asia, Polynesia, and Latin America.

Registration is free but places are limited for each workshop. Contact Cheryl Peterson to sign up.


Imagine you are a student at BYU-Hawaii. Your major is chemistry. You want to be a doctor someday. Your hobbies include reading, surfing, singing, and watching movies. You are really good at surfing, and you like action movies, scary movies, and funny movies, but you do not like westerns (movies about cowboys and life in America in the 1800’s).

Daily Schedule - Thursday

6:00 a.m.

wake up and excercise

8:00 a.m. - 9:00 a.m.

Biology 101 - Mckay Building #153

9:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.

study in the library

2:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.

Chemistry 110 - McKay Building #136

3:00 p.m. - 7:30 p.m.

work at the library

Your friend, Foster [China], calls you at 7:00 in the morning. You answer the phone with “Hello?”


The nurse’s letter:

Dear Parents, It’s flu season again. I want to keep your children as healthy as possible. But I need your help. Do you know the difference between the symptoms of a cold and the flu? Cold symptoms include:

  • A runny nose
  • A sore throat
  • Little or no fever
  • Sometimes a cough
  • Symptoms usually occur gradually (not suddenly) Flu symptoms include:
  • A runny nose
  • A sore throat
  • Extreme tiredness
  • Fever
  • Cough
  • Headache
  • Body aches
  • Symptoms often occur suddenly

A cold and the flu have some symptoms in common. However, the flu is more serious than a cold. It can develop into more serious illnesses, such as pneumonia. For this reason, I ask that you keep your child home from school if he/she shows signs of the flu. This will stop the spread of the flu to other children.

Thank you for your help in this matter.

Sincerely, Joan Palison

Nurse, Riverside Elementary School



Hello, this is a personal message for Anna. This is the office of Doctor Thompson. You have an appointment with the doctor on Monday at 10 a.m.

Our office location is on Oak Street. Please come fifteen minutes early. Your appointment will take thirty minutes. Bring your photo ID and bring your money.

Our number is 808-654-1717. Our office hours are 8am to 5pm.



Hi listeners. Welcome to Nomad Jake’s podcast. Today I’m going to talk about how to save money while on vacation. When you go on a trip, you want to get as much out of your vacation as you can while spending as little money as possible. To make your dollars stretch, I have compiled a list of tips for your next trip.

To start off, driving yourself is often too expensive, so take public transportation and share rides. A private ride from the airport can be comfortable, but it can be costly. You should consider taking public transportation like the bus or a train. If public transportation is too confusing, try to find another person to split the cost of a taxi. And, don’t forget to walk as much as you can.

Second, don’t eat near major tourist sites. Famous tourist attractions will usually have expensive eateries. Similar to eating at the airport or sporting venues, the food at tourist attractions is overpriced. One way to tell if you are getting a bad deal is if the menu is in multiple languages.

Another way of knowing is if the restaurant has many international locations. Save your money and enjoy the local culture by searching for places that the locals love. If locals frequently eat at a place, then that restaurant is usually reasonably priced and has excellent quality. I personally prefer authentic local cuisine because it is usually fresh.

Another suggestion is don’t be too cheap because you’ll pay for it. There are some conveniences that are worth a little extra money to save time or unnecessary effort. Walking is a great way to save money, but walking too much can waste time. For example, I suggest you spend the extra $5 - $10 to get a short taxi ride from one attraction to another, so that you can see more in one day before closing time. Spend that extra $50–100 on a flight if it is going to save you a day in travel time. Time is just as valuable as your budget. You don’t want to waste your money, but don’t waste your time either.

My last tip is to choose free activities. Although I just recommended you spend some additional money to save time, saving money is the main priority. The best way to save money is to enjoy free activities. Many festivals, fairs, parades and other cultural celebrations are free if you happen to go at the right time of year. Some other free activities include parks, beaches and shopping centers. Additionally, some museums, historical landmarks, and other famous attractions have days with free admission.

If you follow these tips, I assure you that you will have a better vacation. It’s important to plan well enough so that you can take advantage of the many unique attractions at each destination. I’ve spent too much on a trip before because of poor planning. You don’t want to spend hard earned money and then get to your destination and feel like you can’t afford it.


JD's Blog


Only a few days before New Year’s! It’s a time for new goals. For me, I’d like to improve my sleep schedule. I have a terrible habit of waking up late.

As a freelance writer, I don't have to get up early. I can work whenever I want. So I can sleep until 11 am, right? I used to think that. But I’ve learned that when I get up late, I don't have a very productive day.

Why does waking up late affect my whole day? Getting up in the morning is actually my first decision for the day. If I make the choice to get up early, I set a pattern of self-discipline for the day. I am more productive at work. I get more accomplished around the house. I feel better about myself. On the other hand, when I choose to sleep in, I set a pattern of less self-discipline for that day. I have a lazier attitude. I get less done.

You can help me with my New Year’s resolution to wake up earlier. How? Comment on this post and ask me how I’m doing with my goal. Habits can be hard to change alone. Help me be accountable for my decision to make a change.

And please, comment and share your New Year's resolution! Do you want to exercise more, learn a new skill, or strengthen a friendship? Telling others about your goal is a great first step!origin.